Improve office productivity with IT

Achieve more in a shorter span using the office software

We’ve become dependent on computers, e-mail, Internet, texting apps, PDAs and mobile phones. These devices connect us to the world of work. Nowadays one must be technologically savvy. Technology can undoubtedly improve your productivity, but it can also make you less productive if it’s not being used carefully. This training course discusses how to use the latest technologies to your advantage, eliminating the risk of technology taking over our schedules.


This training course is addressed to all people who work in an office and use the PC and “office” software for organising and improving their work. The participants could be regular employees all the way to top-management representatives.


  • How to create simple documents using a text editor
  • Understanding a document structure
  • Using the text editor in order to create complex documents
  • Learning techniques for becoming more productive when working with documents
  • Quickly creating and handling worksheets, tables and charts
  • Using “office” programs together
  • Choosing the proper manner for communication
  • Managing e-mail / the inbox
  • Learning simple techniques for reducing information overload
  • Using filters, navigation and other tools for time saving
  • Running regular maintenance and backups
  • Checking for spam and controlling unsolicited e-mails
  • Being aware of e-mail etiquette
  • PC organising for quickly finding folders and documents
  • Creating automatic repetitive tasks with macros, templates, and shortcuts
  • Integrating technology and human input in an efficient work flow

Main topics

  • Introduction to office software. Alternatives
  • Proper use of the text editor
  • Tables, worksheets, charts. How do you become more productive?
  • Other office applications: slideshow, database, organisers
  • Office programs working together
  • Communication and organisation: How do you manage your e-mails and agenda
  • E-mail communication: etiquette and protocol
  • The paperless office: myths and reality

Marcel Chișcan

Managing Partner Ascent Group

His 30-year professional experience combines a wide range of fields of activity, from local public administration to sales and advertising, manufacturing or logistics and transport. Over the years Marcel has been in management positions for both SME's and local public administration, industrial projects or in the management of logistics and transport companies, as well as in the board of public or private companies.

Over the last 15 years its managerial and entrepreneurial experience has been enriched by numerous consultancy projects for start-ups and for business development/restructuring, combining the assistance with training activities, in particular on the topics such as Leadership and management, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Strategic planning and strategic thinking, Negotiation skills, Sales techniques and Customer care, Communication skills or Time Management.

Florina Băbău

HR Manager Ascent Group

Florina is a graduate of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the West University of Timisoara and has numerous certifications in the field of management and human resources. At the professional level, Florina has over 15 years professional experience as human resources manager, project manager, implementation and process improvements, projects with European funds, organization of motivational events, assessment and personnel development, for both multinational and Romanian companies.

Since 2019 Florina became HR Manager within Ascent Group, coordinating the group's human resources activities and projects at national level. Last but not least, Florina is also an experienced trainer in soft skills and team building programs.