We bring together experienced people in the areas of business development, financial advice, legal advice and human resources and are prepared to meet any performance challenges of your companies and teams.
Managing Partner & Founder Ascent Group
Adela Cristea is the managing partner of Ascent Group and founder of the consortium. Adela's academic background is in Economy and Law, at the "West University" Timișoara and "Vasile Goldiș" University, Arad. Throughout the years she's become specialised in numerous areas, studying at universities abroad (Gent University - Belgium; Göttingen University - Germany; National Democratic Institute - USA), as well as become trained in the Systems Thinking course at Oxford University.
Adela's wide experience of 20+ years, particularly that pertaining to the area of management and human resources, has been accumulated with multi-national companies such as Unilever or International Resources, as well as with consulting groups, such as Archimedes Consulting Group and Ascent Group.
All along, Adela has been engaged in multiple business start-up projects, company restructurings, labor conflicts and training, for multi-national companies, as well as for local businesses in a wide array of fields, both in Romania and abroad. Adela's multi-disciplinary experience is rounded off with a 15-year stretch teaching at the university.
Since 2017, Adela has become the co-founder of Design Thinkers Academy Eastern Europe, contributing to the development of the company to reach over 20 countries in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Central Asia.
Managing Partner Ascent Group
His 30-year professional experience combines a wide range of fields of activity, from local public administration to sales and advertising, manufacturing or logistics and transport. Over the years Marcel has been in management positions for both SME's and local public administration, industrial projects or in the management of logistics and transport companies, as well as in the board of public or private companies.
Over the last 15 years its managerial and entrepreneurial experience has been enriched by numerous consultancy projects for start-ups and for business development/restructuring, combining the assistance with training activities, in particular on the topics such as Leadership and management, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Strategic planning and strategic thinking, Negotiation skills, Sales techniques and Customer care, Communication skills or Time Management.
Financial Manager Ascent Group
At the professional level, Renata has 20 years of experience in accounting finance, in the financial departments of local or multinational companies (Arconta, Porta Doors, Magontec, Takata, Laeoni), and in financial and accounting consultancy with Ascent Group. All these years she has been involved in numerous consultancy projects, both for local and multinational companies, in various fields of activity: automotive, manufacturing, it, agriculture, trade, and services.
Since 2012 Renata becomes Senior Partner in Ascent Finance, a company specialized in financial and accounting services within the Ascent Group. Over the last years, thanks to her consistent professional knowledge combined with very good communication skills, Renata has also become a very good trainer on financial issues, mainly in training programs of Finance for Non-financials, efficient use of Ciel accounting program, personalized consultancy, etc.
Financial Manager Ascent Group
Aliona are o experiență profesională de peste 14 ani în domeniul financiar-contabil, acumulată în Republica Moldova și în România, în domenii diverse: bancar, respectiv diferite industrii.
Începând din 2017, a coordonat activitatea financiar-contabilă a subsidiarei din Regatul Unit a unei importante companii de construcții, contribuind semnificativ la gestionarea eficientă a resurselor financiare a acesteia. Ulterior, Aliona și-a valorificat expertiza contabilă în sfera controlling-ului financiar, activând în cadrul unui grup german de renume, specializat în industria auto.
Aliona este membră a Corpului Experților Contabili și Contabililor Autorizați din România și a Camerei Consultanților Fiscali din România. În prezent face parte din echipa Ascent Group, unde își aduce contribuția valoroasă în calitate de Senior Financial Consultant.
HR Manager Ascent Group
Florina is a graduate of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the West University of Timisoara and has numerous certifications in the field of management and human resources. At the professional level, Florina has over 15 years professional experience as human resources manager, project manager, implementation and process improvements, projects with European funds, organization of motivational events, assessment and personnel development, for both multinational and Romanian companies.
Since 2019 Florina became HR Manager within Ascent Group, coordinating the group's human resources activities and projects at national level. Last but not least, Florina is also an experienced trainer in soft skills and team building programs.
Training Manager
Cristina has joined Ascent Group in 2022, thanks to cumulated expertise in the non-profit and business sectors. As a graduate of Communication Science programs at the “University of the West” in Timișoara, Cristina has gained professional ground first in the private sector, working as a project manager (and beyond) within “Youth in Action” and “Erasmus+” (European Commission-funded) projects. She has coordinated international teams and collaborated with both local and cross-continental stakeholders.
5 years into her NGO activity, Cristina expanded her management skills by transitioning to the corporate area. To her previous roles as manager she added People Development Coordinator for a multinational company in the automotive industry.
In her work, she’s become trained/certified on a multitude of topics from the soft skills complex, ranging from communication and conflict management to emotional intelligence and personal development.
Office Manager - Bucharest
Professionally, Adina's experience comes mainly from the human resources and training field, being for many years a trainer and project coordinator in international youth programs (e.g.: Erasmus), or trainer and human resources consultant in national and international projects, for private companies and NGOs.
Adina is currently Ascent Group's Office Manager. in Bucharest, but also an HR specialist & trainer of the Ascent Group, with experience both as a trainer in programs to develop presentation and communication skills, develop leadership skills, build and develop the team, team building, or design thinking capabilities, for local and multinational companies. Not last she was the coordinator of numerous personnel development programs and assessment centers for prestigious companies.
Managing Partner - North-East Region
Liliana's professional experience includes over 18 years of experience in human resources, training & management in companies with up to 1500 employees, such as: FiberxNylon, Yarcea – Radici Group, Rompetrol Petromidia, Pamac, Penny Market - Rewe Group, Vard Tulcea, Vard Braila – Fincancieri. Throughout her career, in addition to the years of experience as a Human Resources Manager, Liliana was also a legal Advisor in Trade and Labor Law, Commercial Manager and Deputy Director General.
Liliana has combined management experience in large companies with consultancy and trainer experience in projects of human resources and management, people development, soft & technical skills, communication & project management. Since 2019 Liliana has joined the Ascent Group team as managing partner for the North-East of Romania, contributing to the development of the group of companies at national level.
Financial Manager Ascent Group
At the professional level, Renata has 20 years of experience in accounting finance, in the financial departments of local or multinational companies (Arconta, Porta Doors, Magontec, Takata, Laeoni), and in financial and accounting consultancy with Ascent Group. All these years she has been involved in numerous consultancy projects, both for local and multinational companies, in various fields of activity: automotive, manufacturing, it, agriculture, trade, and services.
Since 2012 Renata becomes Senior Partner in Ascent Finance, a company specialized in financial and accounting services within the Ascent Group. Over the last years, thanks to her consistent professional knowledge combined with very good communication skills, Renata has also become a very good trainer on financial issues, mainly in training programs of Finance for Non-financials, efficient use of Ciel accounting program, personalized consultancy, etc.
Financial Manager Ascent Group
Aliona are o experiență profesională de peste 14 ani în domeniul financiar-contabil, acumulată în Republica Moldova și în România, în domenii diverse: bancar, respectiv diferite industrii.
Începând din 2017, a coordonat activitatea financiar-contabilă a subsidiarei din Regatul Unit a unei importante companii de construcții, contribuind semnificativ la gestionarea eficientă a resurselor financiare a acesteia. Ulterior, Aliona și-a valorificat expertiza contabilă în sfera controlling-ului financiar, activând în cadrul unui grup german de renume, specializat în industria auto.
Aliona este membră a Corpului Experților Contabili și Contabililor Autorizați din România și a Camerei Consultanților Fiscali din România. În prezent face parte din echipa Ascent Group, unde își aduce contribuția valoroasă în calitate de Senior Financial Consultant.
Senior Financial Consultant
Alina is a graduate of Banking and Finance at the Faculty of Economics of the Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad and of a Master in Accounting and Enterprise Management at the same university. At the professional level, Alina has 23 years of experience in the financial and accounting field, in the financial departments of local or multinational companies (Constar, Ascent Group, Leoni), and in financial and accounting consultancy with Ascent Finance.
Since 2005, Alina has become an Economic Director in Ascent Finance, the financial-accounting subsidiary of Ascent Group, and over the years has managed a complex portfolio of companies in different fields of activity and has been involved in numerous financial audit projects or accounting expertise.
Senior Financial Consultant
Dorina is a graduate of Accounting and IT Management at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, and has participated in numerous courses and specializations in the financial and accounting field over the years. Dorina proficiently uses the Ciel, Saga, Contab SQL accounting programs, as well as the MS Office software package.
Dorina has 17 years of experience in accounting and finance, in the financial departments of local companies and in financial consultancy with Ascent Group. Since 2014, she has become a financial consultant within Ascent Group, where she professionally manages a broad portfolio of clients with different activities, offering solutions, support and consultancy in the financial and accounting field.
Financial Consultant
Oana is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters, Department of Applied Modern Languages of the "Babeș-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca and is fluent in English, French and Italian.
She started her professional career in a human resources and primary accounting position and has acquired information along the way that has given her an overview of how a manufacturing company operates and is managed. This experience led to a role in accounting, a job that developed her thoroughness and patience.
In 2023 she joined our team as a Financial Consultant, with a background in management and is currently preparing for her specialisation and accreditation in accounting.
HR Manager Ascent Group
Florina is a graduate of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the West University of Timisoara and has numerous certifications in the field of management and human resources. At the professional level, Florina has over 15 years professional experience as human resources manager, project manager, implementation and process improvements, projects with European funds, organization of motivational events, assessment and personnel development, for both multinational and Romanian companies.
Since 2019 Florina became HR Manager within Ascent Group, coordinating the group's human resources activities and projects at national level. Last but not least, Florina is also an experienced trainer in soft skills and team building programs.
Senior HR Consultant & Trainer
Business and HR leader turned consultant, Cătălina Schveninger uses her passion and expertise to enable organizations to achieve their mission through people strategies and culture. In her 25 years in the people function, Cătălina has played every role imaginable – from recruiter to HR generalist to Head of Employer Brand to Chief Learning Officer and finally to Chief People Officer. Her experience covers a wide range of industries, including SaaS, e-commerce and telco, all with extensive global footprint. She worked for iconic brands (GE, T-Mobile, Vodafone) as well as for purpose-led scale-ups in the field of education technology (FutureLearn, DataCamp).
Office Manager - Bucharest
Professionally, Adina's experience comes mainly from the human resources and training field, being for many years a trainer and project coordinator in international youth programs (e.g.: Erasmus), or trainer and human resources consultant in national and international projects, for private companies and NGOs.
Adina is currently Ascent Group's Office Manager. in Bucharest, but also an HR specialist & trainer of the Ascent Group, with experience both as a trainer in programs to develop presentation and communication skills, develop leadership skills, build and develop the team, team building, or design thinking capabilities, for local and multinational companies. Not last she was the coordinator of numerous personnel development programs and assessment centers for prestigious companies.
Managing Partner - North-East Region
Liliana's professional experience includes over 18 years of experience in human resources, training & management in companies with up to 1500 employees, such as: FiberxNylon, Yarcea – Radici Group, Rompetrol Petromidia, Pamac, Penny Market - Rewe Group, Vard Tulcea, Vard Braila – Fincancieri. Throughout her career, in addition to the years of experience as a Human Resources Manager, Liliana was also a legal Advisor in Trade and Labor Law, Commercial Manager and Deputy Director General.
Liliana has combined management experience in large companies with consultancy and trainer experience in projects of human resources and management, people development, soft & technical skills, communication & project management. Since 2019 Liliana has joined the Ascent Group team as managing partner for the North-East of Romania, contributing to the development of the group of companies at national level.
Payroll & Admin Manager
Over the years, Daniela has followed courses and specializations in the field of humanities and social sciences, among which a Human Resources Inspector course accredited by the National Authority for Qualifications and the Pedagogy course at the Aurel Vlaicu University, etc. She is an ambitious person and has the capacity to act in a balanced and calm and objective manner.
Professionally, Daniela has more than 10 years of experience in the field of human resources, gaining experience both in government institutions and the private sector. Over the years, she has been involved in many different consultancy projects, such as the evaluation and development of plans to improve the activities of various companies, and has actively participated in workshops to evaluate client companies.
Human Resources Specialist
Alina is a graduate of “Aurel Vlaicu” University - Economic Science Studies with a major in “Accounting and Stock IT”. Her professional activity in the HR area began in 2004, as an economist with diverse responsibilities. This start-of-the-journey complexity has shaped her for the role she’s had in Ascent group - as a Human Resources specialist - since 2011.
Her technical and organising skills are ideal for someone in her role. Alina has consolidated her practical skills with in-depth knowledge gained from an array of professional training courses.
Human Resources Specialist
Alexandra is a graduate of Computer Science at the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, and of a Master in Informatics Applied in Science, Technology and Economy. In the second academic year of her Bachelor studies, Alexandra also followed an international training program, namely an Erasmus study grant at the Miguel Torga Higher Institute in Coimbra, Portugal.
Professionally, Alexandra began her experience in the IT field, but after 3 years, she turned to her second passion, human resources. Alexandra has been Assistant Manager at Ascent Group for more than half a year, having had the opportunity to become acquainted with the HR environment from the very beginning. In her role, she is already involved in projects in different areas of human resources.
Junior recruiter
Alex graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, majoring in Management, followed by a Master's degree in Entrepreneurship and currently studying Psychology. Thanks to a 9-year career in the hospitality industry (event organizer and hotel receptionist), Alex has transferable skills in the areas of empathy, tact, communication and professional attitude towards customers.
In addition to his interest in psychology, his involvement in volunteer activities, his passion for theatre and philosophy have shaped his personality, which fits his new challenge as a recruiter in the HR department. Alex is not only a highly effective recruiter, but a colleague always eager to learn about organisational cultures and identifying the right people for them.
Assistant Manager
Andra is a law graduate of “Vasile Goldiș” University, Arad. Due to her passion for foreign languages, she has a double major, having undertaken, besides law school, a separate undergraduate program in Romanian and English Language and Literature. She has a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics.
As for her professional start, Andra debuted in aviation, working as a flight attendant with WizzAir. Her passion for travelling and her penchant for foreign languages made the perfect mix, and her inborn abilities to network and connect with people made her appreciate and be appreciated in this role. 2 years into this job, she started looking for complementary ways to leverage her experience while boosting her skills in the human resources area.
Andra is an Assistant Manager in Ascent Group, and in this supporting capacity she is involved in numerous company-wide HR projects and beyond.
Managing Partner Ascent Group
His 30-year professional experience combines a wide range of fields of activity, from local public administration to sales and advertising, manufacturing or logistics and transport. Over the years Marcel has been in management positions for both SME's and local public administration, industrial projects or in the management of logistics and transport companies, as well as in the board of public or private companies.
Over the last 15 years its managerial and entrepreneurial experience has been enriched by numerous consultancy projects for start-ups and for business development/restructuring, combining the assistance with training activities, in particular on the topics such as Leadership and management, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Strategic planning and strategic thinking, Negotiation skills, Sales techniques and Customer care, Communication skills or Time Management.
Legal consultant
Reliana is a graduate of the Faculty of Law within the West University Timisoara and of a Master in Insolvency and Bankruptcy proceedings at the Faculty of Law within Vasile Goldis University Arad. At professional level Reliana has 17 years of legal experience in the field of company law, in the legal department of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Arad county, assistant in commercial arbitration within the Arbitratin Comitee of Arad, Legal consultant within the Ascent Group and legal consultant for several local and national companies, with Romanian or foreign capital.
All over these years she has been involved in numerous consultancy and audit projects, both for local and multinational companies, in various fields of activity: automotive, manufacturing, it, agriculture, trade, services.
Training Manager
Cristina has joined Ascent Group in 2022, thanks to cumulated expertise in the non-profit and business sectors. As a graduate of Communication Science programs at the “University of the West” in Timișoara, Cristina has gained professional ground first in the private sector, working as a project manager (and beyond) within “Youth in Action” and “Erasmus+” (European Commission-funded) projects. She has coordinated international teams and collaborated with both local and cross-continental stakeholders.
5 years into her NGO activity, Cristina expanded her management skills by transitioning to the corporate area. To her previous roles as manager she added People Development Coordinator for a multinational company in the automotive industry.
In her work, she’s become trained/certified on a multitude of topics from the soft skills complex, ranging from communication and conflict management to emotional intelligence and personal development.
Managing Partner & Founder Ascent Group
Adela Cristea is the managing partner of Ascent Group and founder of the consortium. Adela's academic background is in Economy and Law, at the "West University" Timișoara and "Vasile Goldiș" University, Arad. Throughout the years she's become specialised in numerous areas, studying at universities abroad (Gent University - Belgium; Göttingen University - Germany; National Democratic Institute - USA), as well as become trained in the Systems Thinking course at Oxford University.
Adela's wide experience of 20+ years, particularly that pertaining to the area of management and human resources, has been accumulated with multi-national companies such as Unilever or International Resources, as well as with consulting groups, such as Archimedes Consulting Group and Ascent Group.
All along, Adela has been engaged in multiple business start-up projects, company restructurings, labor conflicts and training, for multi-national companies, as well as for local businesses in a wide array of fields, both in Romania and abroad. Adela's multi-disciplinary experience is rounded off with a 15-year stretch teaching at the university.
Since 2017, Adela has become the co-founder of Design Thinkers Academy Eastern Europe, contributing to the development of the company to reach over 20 countries in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Central Asia.
HR Manager Ascent Group
Florina is a graduate of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the West University of Timisoara and has numerous certifications in the field of management and human resources. At the professional level, Florina has over 15 years professional experience as human resources manager, project manager, implementation and process improvements, projects with European funds, organization of motivational events, assessment and personnel development, for both multinational and Romanian companies.
Since 2019 Florina became HR Manager within Ascent Group, coordinating the group's human resources activities and projects at national level. Last but not least, Florina is also an experienced trainer in soft skills and team building programs.
Senior Partner Ascent Group
From a professional point of view, Lia's experience is a multidisciplinary one, both in public administration, in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, and in project management within the European Center for Bessarabia, of SME's Union - Brussels, respectively in collaboration with the foundations of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), Robert Schuman Foundation, Eduardo-Feri Foundation and USAID.
In the private sector, Lia has been active for several years as financial manager of the NRG Interactive Group followed by a career in the field of public communication and media as prime-time news presenter at Publika TV, news editor, reporter and special correspondent at international events. The journalistic activity has been intertwined with the one as consultant, trainer and manager within the Ascent Group, in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, with Lia coordinating the Ascent Group's office in Chisinau for over 15 years.
Vlad has over 10 years experience in working with NGOs, startups and traditional companies, always taking up two roles in his endeavours: manager and trainer.
Coordinating an innovation center for European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in Romania, building a support community for startups under Cluj Startups and managing INCUBOXX business center make him a strong supporter of innovation, efficient work and learning from mistakes.
When he is teaching topics such as financial management, strategy and innovation motivate him the most. However, after an 11 years journey in the academic debating landscape of Romania, Vlad’s most beloved topic remains Public Speaking.
Office Manager - Bucharest
Professionally, Adina's experience comes mainly from the human resources and training field, being for many years a trainer and project coordinator in international youth programs (e.g.: Erasmus), or trainer and human resources consultant in national and international projects, for private companies and NGOs.
Adina is currently Ascent Group's Office Manager. in Bucharest, but also an HR specialist & trainer of the Ascent Group, with experience both as a trainer in programs to develop presentation and communication skills, develop leadership skills, build and develop the team, team building, or design thinking capabilities, for local and multinational companies. Not last she was the coordinator of numerous personnel development programs and assessment centers for prestigious companies.
Senior Trainer
With a background in academic and marketing research, Diana has a Ph.D. in Communication Studies and significant experience as a facilitator in Design Thinking projects, as well as with brand consulting.
Her inter-disciplinary awareness and curiosity to explore and connect people from various areas of activity have made her activity, over the last 15 years, revolve around organisational consulting and diagnose, soft skills and personal development trainings, brand consulting, marketing research, Design Thinking, customer & employee experience, communication and marketing.
Diana is a relentless explorer, who, whether online or in class, building on the relevance and clarity of her content, engages with participants as a highly empathetic and playful trainer, enabling a unique learning experience for them, one in which not only their curiosity will be catered to, but one in which good cheer and smiles are a natural byproduct, too.
Senior HR Consultant & Trainer
Business and HR leader turned consultant, Cătălina Schveninger uses her passion and expertise to enable organizations to achieve their mission through people strategies and culture. In her 25 years in the people function, Cătălina has played every role imaginable – from recruiter to HR generalist to Head of Employer Brand to Chief Learning Officer and finally to Chief People Officer. Her experience covers a wide range of industries, including SaaS, e-commerce and telco, all with extensive global footprint. She worked for iconic brands (GE, T-Mobile, Vodafone) as well as for purpose-led scale-ups in the field of education technology (FutureLearn, DataCamp).
Financial Manager Ascent Group
At the professional level, Renata has 20 years of experience in accounting finance, in the financial departments of local or multinational companies (Arconta, Porta Doors, Magontec, Takata, Laeoni), and in financial and accounting consultancy with Ascent Group. All these years she has been involved in numerous consultancy projects, both for local and multinational companies, in various fields of activity: automotive, manufacturing, it, agriculture, trade, and services.
Since 2012 Renata becomes Senior Partner in Ascent Finance, a company specialized in financial and accounting services within the Ascent Group. Over the last years, thanks to her consistent professional knowledge combined with very good communication skills, Renata has also become a very good trainer on financial issues, mainly in training programs of Finance for Non-financials, efficient use of Ciel accounting program, personalized consultancy, etc.
Financial Manager Ascent Group
Aliona are o experiență profesională de peste 14 ani în domeniul financiar-contabil, acumulată în Republica Moldova și în România, în domenii diverse: bancar, respectiv diferite industrii.
Începând din 2017, a coordonat activitatea financiar-contabilă a subsidiarei din Regatul Unit a unei importante companii de construcții, contribuind semnificativ la gestionarea eficientă a resurselor financiare a acesteia. Ulterior, Aliona și-a valorificat expertiza contabilă în sfera controlling-ului financiar, activând în cadrul unui grup german de renume, specializat în industria auto.
Aliona este membră a Corpului Experților Contabili și Contabililor Autorizați din România și a Camerei Consultanților Fiscali din România. În prezent face parte din echipa Ascent Group, unde își aduce contribuția valoroasă în calitate de Senior Financial Consultant.
Managing Partner - North-East Region
Liliana's professional experience includes over 18 years of experience in human resources, training & management in companies with up to 1500 employees, such as: FiberxNylon, Yarcea – Radici Group, Rompetrol Petromidia, Pamac, Penny Market - Rewe Group, Vard Tulcea, Vard Braila – Fincancieri. Throughout her career, in addition to the years of experience as a Human Resources Manager, Liliana was also a legal Advisor in Trade and Labor Law, Commercial Manager and Deputy Director General.
Liliana has combined management experience in large companies with consultancy and trainer experience in projects of human resources and management, people development, soft & technical skills, communication & project management. Since 2019 Liliana has joined the Ascent Group team as managing partner for the North-East of Romania, contributing to the development of the group of companies at national level.
Managing Partner Ascent Group
His 30-year professional experience combines a wide range of fields of activity, from local public administration to sales and advertising, manufacturing or logistics and transport. Over the years Marcel has been in management positions for both SME's and local public administration, industrial projects or in the management of logistics and transport companies, as well as in the board of public or private companies.
Over the last 15 years its managerial and entrepreneurial experience has been enriched by numerous consultancy projects for start-ups and for business development/restructuring, combining the assistance with training activities, in particular on the topics such as Leadership and management, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Strategic planning and strategic thinking, Negotiation skills, Sales techniques and Customer care, Communication skills or Time Management.
Dan Codre is one of Ascent Group's trainers. His experience can be characterized as a very varied one. For two years he was a professor of history in a public school in Romania, then served for 10 years in television, half of which he spent as a correspondent reporter for Digi24 HD news. He was hired as adviser in the Romanian Senate and in the Arad County Council, where he worked for the president of the institution.
In recent years, Dan has been a trainer in tour guide programs at the Alternative Tourism School of the Association for Alternative Tourism, and he is also an experienced guide. His belief is that everyone can learn anything, anywhere, anytime. He works every day to convince those around him that this is really possible!
Assistant Manager
Andra is a law graduate of “Vasile Goldiș” University, Arad. Due to her passion for foreign languages, she has a double major, having undertaken, besides law school, a separate undergraduate program in Romanian and English Language and Literature. She has a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics.
As for her professional start, Andra debuted in aviation, working as a flight attendant with WizzAir. Her passion for travelling and her penchant for foreign languages made the perfect mix, and her inborn abilities to network and connect with people made her appreciate and be appreciated in this role. 2 years into this job, she started looking for complementary ways to leverage her experience while boosting her skills in the human resources area.
Andra is an Assistant Manager in Ascent Group, and in this supporting capacity she is involved in numerous company-wide HR projects and beyond.
Leave us a message with your contact details, tell us why you want to join the team and we will contact you as soon as possible.