Accounting and tax advise

Specialized consultancy services and customized accounting solutions that help grow your business.

Through Ascent Finance, the financial and accounting services company of the Ascent group, we offer you a number of financial consultancy services.

These include accounting or accounting supervision services, audit, tax consultancy and financial management.

Correct interpretation and use of financial information is important for any manager, as it has a major impact on a company's operation. The Ascent team helps you make the best decisions for your company's future by providing data, forecasts, calculations, and concrete metrics to base your next steps on.

In order to run your business smoothly, it is important to have well-organized accounting that gives you accurate information for management decisions. Our focus is to offer you specialized consultancy services that meet the latest provisions of the Tax Code and personalized accounting solutions that help your business grow.

Accounting services

In order to run your business smoothly, it is important to have well-organized accounting that will provide you with correct information for management decisions, as well as with accurate reporting in relation to government institutions.

At Ascent we offer you assistance in the organization and management of accounting financial activity, document registration services, preparation and submission of monthly, quarterly and annual tax statements, the preparation and certification of annual financial statements, consultancy on any financial or fiscal matter.

Accounting supervision

If you have your accounting organized inside your company, it is important to have regular external review in order to ensure that you correctly implement new regulations in an ever-changing tax system, but also that you take advantage of all the existing fiscal facilities.

At Ascent we offer monthly, quarterly or annual accounting supervision services, including reviewing the bookkeeping, checking statements and calculating fees, as well as providing solutions for optimization.


Through its auditor partners, Ascent Group provides financial audit services. These services involve an examination of financial statements by an independent professional, and an opinion on the bookkeeping of the company.

The audit includes the benchmarking of the company’s main financial indicators, the identification and recommendation of the most appropriate accounting policies, the production of annual audit reports in accordance with International Audit standards, accepted by the Romanian Chamber of Financial Auditors.

Financial consultancy

The financial consultancy services we offer mainly consist of consultancy on accounting matters, consultancy on tax calculation issues: VAT, corporate tax, local taxes, labor taxes and duties, advice related to legislative changes in tax law, accounting assistance in merger and acquisition projects, financial analysis.

Financial management and planning

Correct interpretation and use of financial information is important for any manager at any given time. Management and Financial planning services help companies make the right decisions based on financial information, support for budget activities, cash flow or profit and loss account (P&L) analysis, interpretation of key financial analysis indicators and advice about management decisions based on them.

Financial controlling

Financial controlling is an important management tool, with the primary aim of supplying important information for decision-making, while providing support to coordinate the processes of a company in order to lower costs, maximize revenue and achieve its strategic goals.

The main objective of the financial controlling activity is to maintain managers' capacity of coordination, adaptation and rapid response, by mainly studying the discrepancies between what was planned and what is achieved, and providing guidance on how to remedy the situation.

Meet the team

Alina Isac

Financial Consultant

Alina is a graduate of Banking and Finance at the Faculty of Economics of the Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad and of a Master in Accounting and Enterprise Management at the same university. At the professional level, Alina has 23 years of experience in the financial and accounting field, in the financial departments of local or multinational companies (Constar, Ascent Group, Leoni), and in financial and accounting consultancy with Ascent Finance.

Since 2005, Alina has become an Economic Director in Ascent Finance, the financial-accounting subsidiary of Ascent Group, and over the years has managed a complex portfolio of companies in different fields of activity and has been involved in numerous financial audit projects or accounting expertise.

Dorina Damean

Financial Consultant

Dorina is a graduate of Accounting and IT Management at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, and has participated in numerous courses and specializations in the financial and accounting field over the years. Dorina proficiently uses the Ciel, Saga, Contab SQL accounting programs, as well as the MS Office software package.

Dorina has 17 years of experience in accounting and finance, in the financial departments of local companies and in financial consultancy with Ascent Group. Since 2014, she has become a financial consultant within Ascent Group, where she professionally manages a broad portfolio of clients with different activities, offering solutions, support and consultancy in the financial and accounting field.

Renata Ban

Financial Manager Ascent Group

At the professional level, Renata has 20 years of experience in accounting finance, in the financial departments of local or multinational companies (Arconta, Porta Doors, Magontec, Takata, Laeoni), and in financial and accounting consultancy with Ascent Group. All these years she has been involved in numerous consultancy projects, both for local and multinational companies, in various fields of activity: automotive, manufacturing, it, agriculture, trade, and services.

Since 2012 Renata becomes Senior Partner in Ascent Finance, a company specialized in financial and accounting services within the Ascent Group. Over the last years, thanks to her consistent professional knowledge combined with very good communication skills, Renata has also become a very good trainer on financial issues, mainly in training programs of Finance for Non-financials, efficient use of Ciel accounting program, personalized consultancy, etc.

,,Când vine vorba să participi la un Training organizat și susținut de către echipa Ascent Group, un lucru e cert: pleci cu gândul și cu pofta să muți munții din loc. Mediul cald și totodată profesionist, subiectele adaptate mereu la realitatea actuală și debate-urile constructive din cadrul întâlnirilor creează, la un loc, o experiență de neuitat. Mulțumim, Adela, și abia aștept să ne revedem în sala de curs!”

Gabriela Mihăilă

Sales Training Manager România & Moldova, Avon Cosmetics

"În buna colaborare pe care o avem cu Ascent Group - sub raport contabil, payroll sau juridic - nu am rămas niciodată cu vreo problemă nerezolvată. În comunicarea cu cei din echipa Ascent, aceștia sunt receptivi, iar soluțiile pe care ni le propun apar cu promptitudine. Își fac întotdeauna timp să discute cu noi la un nivel profesionist și am apreciat claritatea în expunerea problemelor și a soluțiilor."

Marius Munteanu

General Manager, Baum Piping

"Ascent Group nu este doar un furnizor de servicii pentru noi, ci un partener de încredere în activitatea noastră zilnică. Adela și toată echipa ei sunt mereu atenți la nevoile noastre, chiar și în momente de intensitate ridicată, reușind să asigure cele mai înalte standarde de calitate."

Giovanni Pometti

Segretario Generale, Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Romania

,,Am colaborat cu Ascent Group în proiecte de training și assessment center. Am apreciat în primul rând gradul de personalizare al serviciilor și flexibilitatea de a construi programe bazate pe nevoile reale și concrete ale organizației noastre, Coca-Cola Hellenic. În același timp, am apreciat faptul că echipa Ascent Group este formată din oameni cu mulți ani de experiență în practică, cu o bună capacitate de a înțelege realitățile din companii și, nu în ultimul rând, care abordează proiectele cu entuziasm și energie pozitivă.”

Simona Țiplea

Regional HR Director, Coca-Cola Hellenic

,,Ascent Group este un partener mereu deschis la nevoile noastre, care ne ajută să ne dezvoltăm în siguranță. Comunicarea consultanților Ascent cu membri echipei noastre este foarte bună, oferindu-ne soluții la provocările pe care le întâmpinăm în activitatea financiar-contabilă. Pentru noi, Ascent Group este un partener de 5 stele.”

George Manoilă

General Manager, Deninstal

“Echipa Ascent Group este un partener de încredere pentru noi, împreună cu care am creat programe cu mult sens atât pentru angajați cât și pentru business. Adela este un trainer extraordinar care reușește să îmbine exemplar prezența la nevoile audienței, cu scopul programelor livrate creând un mediu dinamic și interactiv care invită la învățare și adoptarea unor perspective noi.”

Mihaela Matei

Head of Human Capital - People Management, DP World

,,În 2012 Minimold a deschis o fabrică la Timișoara, care a reprezentat un succes deosebit, un succes care nu ar fi putut fi posibil fără ajutorul și sfaturile primite din partea Ascent Group, și în mod special al Adelei Cristea și al echipei sale excepționale."

Charles J. Lobkowicz

President and CEO, Minimold SpA

"Pentru NC-Vision, Ascent este un partener pe care ne putem baza în permanență, încă de la început. De la Resurse Umane și până la departamentul Juridic, Ascent a oferit întotdeauna servicii profesionale, promptitudine și eficiență, ori de câte ori a fost necesar. Cu toată încrederea, le recomandăm serviciile!"

Anca Szomoru

Customer Support Manager, NC VISION

"De la începutul colaborării am descoperit o echipă de oameni profesioniști, dedicați, orientați spre rezolvarea problemelor clientului. ASCENT GROUP este un partener de încredere ce oferă servicii de contabilitate, payroll și juridic; tot ce avem nevoie într-un singur loc. Acestea sunt câteva din atuurile care ne determina să îi recomandăm!”

Ada Balica

People and Culture Administrator, Share Dimension SRL