New obligations of employers on the employment of persons with disabilities
A new Emergency Ordinance (GEO no 127) on the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities has been adopted.
We assist companies both in the start-up phase of business and in the growth phase, offering them a range of customized services and solutions.
At Ascent Group we are next to our customers at every step of their journey. Our role is to assist companies in both the start-up of their businesses as in the development phases.
We do this by optimizing some activities or managing challenges in our areas of expertise.
Our business and management consulting services provide support to companies for identifying business opportunities, identifying business partners, setting up companies, as well as assistance and support on administrative and management issues throughout the whole activity of the company.
The Ascent Group team is made up of business professionals with extensive managerial experience, in companies from different fields of activity, both locally and internationally. Together with our clients we build successful businesses and face the challenges of the business environment.
When you start a business you need support. Both to make the right decisions, as to be assisted in all the incorporation procedures for the new company. Ascent Group offers you support for business start-ups, both from a legal, fiscal or human resources point of view. Last but not least, our company can help you identify business partners or suppliers you can rely on.
A good business idea always needs support to become a healthy business. The Ascent Group team, made up of professionals with long-standing managerial experience in companies from different business areas, can help you manage your business successfully: whether we talk about support in creating business strategies, human resources management in the company, financial planning, or day-to-day business management.
One of the main challenges for entrepreneurs and managers is to develop business plans that are sustainable and at the same time relevant for the market needs. The Ascent Group's team of consultants can assist you both in the preparation of business plans or feasibility studies and in the implementation of the projects.
The business world is growing ever more and businesses are no longer limited by borders. At Ascent Group we assist foreign companies to find partners in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia or Moldova, in organizing business visits or meetings, starting from identifying the companies best suited for the interest of the clients, and continuing with the organization of the visit and assistance during it, if necessary.
If you need to organize a business event for your partners or to promote your company, or a conference on a topic of interest, Ascent Group, together with its partners, will provide the necessary support to: identify the right location, organize the agenda and logistics of the event, manage invitations, manage communication for the event so you make the best impression.
Adela Cristea is the managing partner of Ascent Group and founder of the consortium. Adela's academic background is in Economy and Law, at the "West University" Timișoara and "Vasile Goldiș" University, Arad. Throughout the years she's become specialised in numerous areas, studying at universities abroad (Gent University - Belgium; Göttingen University - Germany; National Democratic Institute - USA), as well as become trained in the Systems Thinking course at Oxford University.
Adela's wide experience of 20+ years, particularly that pertaining to the area of management and human resources, has been accumulated with multi-national companies such as Unilever or International Resources, as well as with consulting groups, such as Archimedes Consulting Group and Ascent Group.
All along, Adela has been engaged in multiple business start-up projects, company restructurings, labor conflicts and training, for multi-national companies, as well as for local businesses in a wide array of fields, both in Romania and abroad. Adela's multi-disciplinary experience is rounded off with a 15-year stretch teaching at the university.
Since 2017, Adela has become the co-founder of Design Thinkers Academy Eastern Europe, contributing to the development of the company to reach over 20 countries in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Central Asia.
His 30-year professional experience combines a wide range of fields of activity, from local public administration to sales and advertising, manufacturing or logistics and transport. Over the years Marcel has been in management positions for both SME's and local public administration, industrial projects or in the management of logistics and transport companies, as well as in the board of public or private companies.
Over the last 15 years its managerial and entrepreneurial experience has been enriched by numerous consultancy projects for start-ups and for business development/restructuring, combining the assistance with training activities, in particular on the topics such as Leadership and management, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Strategic planning and strategic thinking, Negotiation skills, Sales techniques and Customer care, Communication skills or Time Management.
Liliana's professional experience includes over 18 years of experience in human resources, training & management in companies with up to 1500 employees, such as: FiberxNylon, Yarcea – Radici Group, Rompetrol Petromidia, Pamac, Penny Market - Rewe Group, Vard Tulcea, Vard Braila – Fincancieri. Throughout her career, in addition to the years of experience as a Human Resources Manager, Liliana was also a legal Advisor in Trade and Labor Law, Commercial Manager and Deputy Director General.
Liliana has combined management experience in large companies with consultancy and trainer experience in projects of human resources and management, people development, soft & technical skills, communication & project management. Since 2019 Liliana has joined the Ascent Group team as managing partner for the North-East of Romania, contributing to the development of the group of companies at national level.
A new Emergency Ordinance (GEO no 127) on the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities has been adopted.
The guaranteed gross minimum basic wage in the country increases from the current 3,700 lei to 4,050 lei gross monthly.