Official: Minimum wage changes from 1 July 2024

From 1 July 2024, the minimum gross basic wage in the country increases from 3,400 lei to 3,700 lei gross monthly and the non-taxable amount of the minimum gross wage from 200 to 300 lei.

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Legal and fiscal news for 2017

January 26, 2017Renata Ban

Starting with 2017 a series of legislative changes will take place. Some are applicable from the 1st of January, the others from the 1st of February. We have grouped them in several main categories:

The corporate income tax:

  • The taxpayers engaged exclusively in innovation, research and development activities will be exempted from profit tax in the first 10 years of service;
  • Will be extended the deadline for the tax exemption regarding reinvested profit in technological equipment, computers, electronics and peripheral equipment, and also software.

The income tax for microcompanies