Law 275/2022 was published in the Official Gazette on October 3, 2022, rejecting the provisions of the Emergency Ordinance 37/2021 which exempted micro-enterprises from a series of bureaucratic obligations.
Law 275/2022 was published in the Official Gazette on October 3, 2022, rejecting the provisions of the Emergency Ordinance 37/2021 which exempted micro-enterprises from a series of bureaucratic obligations.
Simplification of procedures specific to the activity of human resources in micro-enterprises, given that there are currently around 500.000 micro-enterprises with up to 9 employees in Romania.
Starting with 2017 a series of legislative changes will take place. Some are applicable from the 1st of January, the others from the 1st of February. We have grouped them in several main categories:
The corporate income tax:
The taxpayers engaged exclusively in innovation, research and development activities will be exempted from profit tax in the first 10 years of service;
Will be extended the deadline for the tax exemption regarding reinvested profit in technological equipment, computers, electronics and peripheral equipment, and also software.
On 30th of December 2010 the Romanian Government introduced through the O.U. no. 117/2010 the possibility to return to the status of microcompany.
In the understanding of this ordinance, the microcompany is a legal entity that at 31st of December 2010 meets ALL the following conditions:
has incomes other than those obtained from banking, insurance, reinsurance, capital markets (except the intermediary in these areas), gambling, consultancy and management.
has minimum 1 and maximum 9 employees
achieved revenues that did not exceed the equivalent in lei of 100.000 EUR
the registered capital is held by persons, other than state and local authorities
On 30th of December 2010 the Romanian Government introduced through the O.U. no. 117/2010 the possibility to return to the status of microcompany.
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