The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 37/2021 to amend and supplement Law no. 53/2003 – the Labor Code wants to simplify procedures specific to the activity of human resources in micro-enterprises, considering that there are currently about 500.000 micro-enterprises with up to 9 employees.
What are these measures?
- The job description for micro-enterprise employees becomes optional, but must be communicated in writing to the employee at his or her request;
- Records of the daily working hours worked by mobile workers, domestic and micro-enterprises workers, under the conditions laid down with them, shall be kept by written agreement;
The obligation for micro-enterprises to draw up internal rules is removed.
Although the measures will, in the beginning, bring about a simplification of procedures specific to the activity of human resources in micro-enterprises, the question arises as to what will happen, in the long term, with employees who refuse to perform their duties or with those who break the rules previously laid down in the internal rules?
Will these measures simplify labor relations for micro-enterprises or will they eventually complicate them? Surely, every employer in this situation will have to balance these issues well and decide whether to implement these measures or continue to draw up job sheets and rules of procedure, just as before this law comes into effect.