Presentation Techniques

Conquering an audience

Sweaty palms and forehead, a rush of anxiety, losing the ability to focus – these are some common concerns that may affect our public presentations. The fear of public speaking is one of the strongest emotions one could experience.

The public speaking ability and the capacity to efficiently present ideas both have a significant impact on our careers and lives.

How do we deliver compelling presentations successfully? How do we captivate the attention of an audience? Our program will help you assimilate techniques and methods you need in order to achieve this.

Who is it for?

This program is designed for people who have direct contact with customers and for all those interested in refining their speech.

Course objectives

  • Develop the ability of opening and closing a presentation in a convincing manner
  • Increase the capacity of keeping the attention of the audience
  • Understand the importance of non-verbal language in a presentation
  • Assimilate some successful presentation methods
  • Improve the capacity of structuring a presentation

Main topics

  • Presentation types
  • Preparing a successful presentation
  • Delivering a successful presentation
  • Using non-verbal language
  • Leveraging the tone of voice
  • Importance of questions
  • Building the central message
  • Successful presentation methods

Lia Bejenaru

Senior Partner Ascent Group

From a professional point of view, Lia's experience is a multidisciplinary one, both in public administration, in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, and in project management within the European Center for Bessarabia, of SME's Union - Brussels, respectively in collaboration with the foundations of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), Robert Schuman Foundation, Eduardo-Feri Foundation and USAID.

In the private sector, Lia has been active for several years as financial manager of the NRG Interactive Group followed by a career in the field of public communication and media as prime-time news presenter at Publika TV, news editor, reporter and special correspondent at international events. The journalistic activity has been intertwined with the one as consultant, trainer and manager within the Ascent Group, in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, with Lia coordinating the Ascent Group's office in Chisinau for over 15 years.

Adina Almăjanu

Managing partner Bucharest office

Professionally, Adina's experience comes mainly from the human resources and training field, being for many years a trainer and project coordinator in international youth programs (e.g.: Erasmus), or trainer and human resources consultant in national and international projects, for private companies and NGOs.

Adina is currently Ascent Group's Office Manager. in Bucharest, but also an HR specialist & trainer of the Ascent Group, with experience both as a trainer in programs to develop presentation and communication skills, develop leadership skills, build and develop the team, team building, or design thinking capabilities, for local and multinational companies. Not last she was the coordinator of numerous personnel development programs and assessment centers for prestigious companies.