deLia Bejenaru November 12, 2009

The influence of new political realities on the investment climate of the Republic of Moldova

The year 2009 was certainly not the best for Moldova, in all respects. It started with a campaign that slowly degenerated into a real political crisis, which, unfortunately, at the end of the year continues. A political crisis that we hope it will be resolved soon and which in tandem with global financial and economic crisis has created an unprecedented situation for Moldova.

However, nothing can lie a good eye of an investor who knows that a crisis may be a perfect runway, if you know how to pave the way and take advantage of the specific geographical region. An economic crisis brings beautiful investment opportunities with little money, because the whole economy has become “cheaper”, but with the same critical needs. The giants in the business world recommend the crisis as the most favorable moment for large projects.

Moldova is a special case which succeeded to stick his head in 2 crises that affect itself one to each other.

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The influence of new political realities on the investment climate of the Republic of Moldova

November 12, 2009Lia Bejenaru

The year 2009 was certainly not the best for Moldova, in all respects. It started with a campaign that slowly degenerated into a real political crisis, which, unfortunately, at the end of the year continues. A political crisis that we hope it will be resolved soon and which in tandem with global financial and economic crisis has created an unprecedented situation for Moldova.

However, nothing can lie a good eye of an investor who knows that a crisis may be a perfect runway, if you know how to pave the way and take advantage of the specific geographical region. An economic crisis brings beautiful investment opportunities with little money, because the whole economy has become “cheaper”, but with the same critical needs. The giants in the business world recommend the crisis as the most favorable moment for large projects.

Moldova is a special case which succeeded to stick his head in 2 crises that affect itself one to each other.


74 companies for sell in the Republic of Moldova

February 21, 2008Lia Bejenaru

The Government of the Republic of Moldova announced the selling of the participations held in 74 companies. The state’s stocks in those companies are between 10-100%. The selling will be performed by public auction on the Stock Exchange between the 4-17th of March 2008.

As by the Moldavian Law, the right to acquire these shares is reserved for Moldavian individuals or legal entities registered in the Republic of Moldova. The requests for buy can be presented through the brokerage companies registered at the Moldavian Stock Exchange.

For additional information regarding the companies that are sold we invite you to contact the consultants of Ascent Group.


Moldova: Fiscal Innovations in 2008

December 13, 2007Lia Bejenaru

2008 promises to be a year full of surprises and innovations in the fiscal domain, at least this is what the Ministries of Economy and Finance that thought of a true economic revolution, promise us. Everything started since 2007, when the Government canceled all the company’s fiscal debts until January the 1st 2007, thus beginning a new stage, which, they hope it will be more productive. This Reform is called “Fiscal Amnesty”, and its main purpose is to help and promote the companies that cannot function normally because of the debts to the State’s budget. The purpose is to develop the local business environment, but also to increase the main economic indicators, thus creating the premises for attracting local and foreign investments.


“Doing Business” in Moldova

November 29, 2007Lia Bejenaru

When talking about the possibility of investing in the Republic of Moldova, there’s a first question that appears: How complicated, certain and advantageous is to place money in a country that finds itself in a process of economic transition?

A research made by World Bank and International Finance Corporation tried to answer this question, study that analyzed 178 economies in the world, including the economy of the Republic of Moldova, from the business environment point of view. Doing Business 2008 places Moldova on the 92nd place, a favorable position compared to the majority of the countries from Eastern Europe, being followed by Azerbaijan (96th place), Belarus (106th place) and Ukraine (139th place).