Minimum wage changes from January 1, 2025
December 11, 2024Florina Babau
The guaranteed gross minimum basic wage in the country increases from the current 3,700 lei to 4,050 lei gross monthly.
READ MOREAccording to a draft of the Finance Ministry, membership in the service of the Virtual Private Space (VPS) will become compulsory for several categories of natural and legal persons starting next year.
Read articleThe integration into the service of the Virtual Private Space (VPS), a service operated by ANAF, will become mandatory for legal persons, associations and other entities without legal personality, as well as for PFA who pursue a liberal profession or an independent economic activity, according to a project of the Finance Ministry. The measure should facilitate the remote communication of ANAF with these taxpayers. ANAF also requires the setting up of electronic fiscal marking equipment, said the Finance Ministry.
The measure is stipulated in a draft amending the Code of fiscal procedure recently published by the Finance Ministry and will come into force only after its publication in the Official Gazette. The new minister, Dan Vilceanu, announced that the compulsory enrolling will be enforced as of March 1, 2022.
“The compulsory enrolling in the electronic communication system developed by the Ministry of Finance – ANAF, that is the Virtual Private Area, of legal persons, associations and other entities without legal personality, as well as of PFAs who pursue a liberal profession or pursue an economic activity independently. Enroll in VPS ensures communication and working 24/24, 7 days a week with the tax administration and represents a clear streamlining of the way citizens interact with the tax body. The measure shall apply from 1 March 2022.”, is specified in a Finance press release.
Also, for the purpose of the connection procedure for electronic fiscal marking appliances, as defined in Article 3(2) of Government Emergency Ordinance No 28/1999 on the obligation for economic operators to use electronic fiscal marking appliances, at ANAF’s national IT system for monitoring and monitoring fiscal data, it is necessary that economic operators users of fiscal electronic tagged devices join the SPV and acquire qualified certificates.