From the 1st of January 2009, according to the GD 1051/2008, the basic national minimum gross salary , in Romania, has been increased from 540 lei to 600 lei per month for a full time working programmme of 170 hours per month, representing the 3,529 Ron/ hour.
At the minimum wage stated above, coefficients corresponding to each job are applied. For example:
- to employees that are qualified, the coefficient of 1.2 is applied so that they will have a minimum gross salary of 720 RON.
- to employees with University degree, the coefficient of 2 is applied, so that they will have a minimum gross salary of 1200 RON.
Failure to respect these provisions represents contravention and is punished by fine from 1000 to 2000 RON.
From the 1st of January 2009, according to the GD 1051/2008, the basic national minimum gross salary , in Romania, has been increased from 540 lei to 600 lei per month for a full time working programmme of 170 hours per month, representing the 3,529 Ron/ hour.
At the minimum wage stated above, coefficients corresponding to each job are applied. For example:
- to employees that are qualified, the coefficient of 1.2 is applied so that they will have a minimum gross salary of 720 RON.
- to employees with University degree, the coefficient of 2 is applied, so that they will have a minimum gross salary of 1200 RON.
Failure to respect these provisions represents contravention and is punished by fine from 1000 to 2000 RON.