Minimum wage changes from January 1, 2025
December 11, 2024Florina Babau
The guaranteed gross minimum basic wage in the country increases from the current 3,700 lei to 4,050 lei gross monthly.
READ MOREFrom 21st of April onwards, both public entities and economic operators, which by their nature have opened accounts with the Treasury, will be able to make online payment via the electronic multiple payment order, by accounts opened with the Treasury units of the State through which it operates.
The new provisions are contained in the OMFP n. 1819/2020 and were published in the Official Journal n. 279 of 3 April 2020.
Read articleFrom 21st of April onwards, both public entities and economic operators, which by their nature have opened accounts with the Treasury, will be able to make online payment via the electronic multiple payment order, by accounts opened with the Treasury units of the State through which it operates.
The new provisions are contained in the OMFP n. 1819/2020 and were published in the Official Journal n. 279 of 3 April 2020.
From 21st of April onwards, both public entities and economic operators, which by their nature have opened accounts with the Treasury, will be able to make online payment via the electronic multiple payment order, by accounts opened with the Treasury units of the State through which it operates.
The new provisions are contained in the OMFP n. 1819/2020 and were published in the Official Journal n. 279 of 3 April 2020.
The multiple electronic payment order (OPME) form can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Finance, The National Forexebug Reporting System – Public Information – forms or may be made available by the State Treasury Territorial Units. The Electronic Multi-payment Order (OPME) module is compiled and submitted online via the national Forexebug reporting system by public institutions and the reporting service by economic operators and entities other than public institutions respectively. Economic operators and entities other than public institutions may use OMPE from 21st of April 2020. The reception of OMPE sending and validation/rejection are displayed through the Virtual Private Space (SPV) section: “messages”.
The multiple electronic payment order (OPME) has two spaces for electronic signature, but legal entities other than public institutions sign with one signature – the electronic signature of the person who, according to the legislation in force, has the power to make payments and is registered in the Virtual Private Area (SSP).
How are the checks carried out?
Verification of correspondence between the electronic signature in the “signature 1” box of the electronic multiple payment order (OPME) and the copy approved by the signatures deposited at the State Treasury units shall be automatically made in accordance with the instructions and computer application provided by the National Financial Information Centre in accordance with the personal number/identification number tax of the person concerned and his correspondence with the tax identification code of the payer.
Economic operators and other entities that have approved separate personal signatures in the form of a template that sign the payment order for the State Treasury (OPT) with signature 1 and signature 2 may use the electronic multiple payment order (OPME) only if they decide that payments may be made by a single signature and submit a new form of signature to the State Treasury unit under these conditions.
When making payments, the Treasury automatically checks the signature on the Multiple Electronic Payment Order (OPME) with that approved by the model’s signatures. The lack of correspondence in the signatures leads to the rejection of the payment order.
What are the limits?
The regulatory document also states that the multiple electronic payment order (OPME) is only used by entities that sign with a single electronic signature. If the entity’s payment policy requires the payment order to be signed with two electronic signatures, the payment order for the State Treasury (OPT) will be used.