Minimum wage changes from January 1, 2025
December 11, 2024Florina Babau
The guaranteed gross minimum basic wage in the country increases from the current 3,700 lei to 4,050 lei gross monthly.
READ MOREDacă sunteţi preocupaţi serios de cariera dumneavoastră atunci este momentul să faceţi cunoştinţă cu IntercollegIBS. Acum şi în România!
IntercollegeIBS oferă programe academice şi de pregătire profesională, pentru sectorul financiar – bancar şi cel al afacerilor. Absolvirea acestor programe certificate conferă posibilitatea îmbunătăţirii cunoştinţelor, cu strictă aplicabilitate practică. Certificările internaţionale obţinute în urma absolvirii programelor oferite de IntercollegeIBS sunt de cel mai înalt nivel şi se adresează celor care doresc să devină profesionişti de succes.
If you are serious about your career it’s time to meet IntercollegeIBS! Now also in Romania!
IntercollegeIBS offers both academic programs and professional training for the business and financial services sectors. The graduation of these programs provides the opportunity to enhance knowledge and expertise at the postgraduate level. There are first class qualifications for people intending to become successful professionals.
Read articleDacă sunteţi preocupaţi serios de cariera dumneavoastră atunci este momentul să faceţi cunoştinţă cu IntercollegIBS. Acum şi în România!
IntercollegeIBS oferă programe academice şi de pregătire profesională, pentru sectorul financiar – bancar şi cel al afacerilor. Absolvirea acestor programe certificate conferă posibilitatea îmbunătăţirii cunoştinţelor, cu strictă aplicabilitate practică. Certificările internaţionale obţinute în urma absolvirii programelor oferite de IntercollegeIBS sunt de cel mai înalt nivel şi se adresează celor care doresc să devină profesionişti de succes.
If you are serious about your career it’s time to meet IntercollegeIBS! Now also in Romania!
IntercollegeIBS offers both academic programs and professional training for the business and financial services sectors. The graduation of these programs provides the opportunity to enhance knowledge and expertise at the postgraduate level. There are first class qualifications for people intending to become successful professionals.
Dacă sunteţi preocupaţi serios de cariera dumneavoastră atunci este momentul să faceţi cunoştinţă cu IntercollegIBS. Acum şi în România!
IntercollegeIBS oferă programe academice şi de pregătire profesională, pentru sectorul financiar – bancar şi cel al afacerilor. Absolvirea acestor programe certificate conferă posibilitatea îmbunătăţirii cunoştinţelor, cu strictă aplicabilitate practică. Certificările internaţionale obţinute în urma absolvirii programelor oferite de IntercollegeIBS sunt de cel mai înalt nivel şi se adresează celor care doresc să devină profesionişti de succes.
If you are serious about your career it’s time to meet IntercollegeIBS! Now also in Romania!
IntercollegeIBS offers both academic programs and professional training for the business and financial services sectors. The graduation of these programs provides the opportunity to enhance knowledge and expertise at the postgraduate level. There are first class qualifications for people intending to become successful professionals.
IntercollegeIBS is a pioneer in Academic and Professional training and education in Cyprus and abroad. Now, IntercollegeIBS is offering those programs also in Romania, having as objective the development of specialized training as a collateral to success for obtaining international certifications and for increasing the professional competences.
Programs in Romania
If you need more details about IntercollegeIBS Programs we invite you to contact them at:
46 Makedonitissas Ave., P.O.Box 24005,
1700 Nicosia-Cyprus
Tel: +354-22841540/545,
Fax: +354-22357484
E-mail: [email protected]
27 Ostasilor Street, Sector 1,
Postal Code 010205 Bucharest, Romania