In Emergency Ordinance 211/04.12.2020, it was decided to extend the period of application of the social protection measures adopted in the context of the spread of coronavirus.
In Emergency Ordinance 211/04.12.2020, it was decided to extend the period of application of the social protection measures adopted in the context of the spread of coronavirus.
The last day of school introduced a new decree amending and supplementing Law 19/2020 on parental leave to supervise children in the event of temporary closure of educational establishments (details of the previous provisions are here). This is the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 41, published in the Official Gazette No. 282 of 03.04.2020.
On Monday evening, after long waiting, the Emergency Ordinance on the modification and completion of the OUG No. 30/2020 was published in the Official Journal, which refers to the protection that the State will guarantee to the employees during the state of emergency, in the event of suspension of individual employment contracts, at the initiative of the employer, in accordance with Article 52 (1) (c) of Law 53/2003 – Labour Code. Shortly, we are talking about the ordered regulation governing the technical unemployment during the SAR-cov-2 crisis.
As we intended, but did not hope, the ordinance was in support of all employees affected by the spread of SAR-virus cov-2, eliminating the differentiation between employees whose employers have been forced to close down completely or partially on the basis of the decisions taken by the public authorities and those who have been indirectly affected by the measures taken.
In the recent days we have received many questions from customers, partners, collaborators, but also from people outside our contacts, on how anti-crisis measures are applied within companies.
In order to cope with the large number of requests, but also because most of the questions are repeated, we are drawing here a list of quick questions and answers, grouped by category, a mini-guide to help companies and employees navigate more easily through this difficult period. Consider it a crisis survival kit.
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