Recruitment advertisements and job titles will have to be adapted according to the new requirements of the recent European directive on pay transparency.
Recruitment advertisements and job titles will have to be adapted according to the new requirements of the recent European directive on pay transparency.
Taking into account the provisions of art. 76 para. ( 3 ) of the Fiscal Code, of advantages, in cash or in kind, other than salary income, may also benefit the administrators of some companies.
Employees will be able to apply for carers’ leave to take care of a relative or other person in the household who is seriously ill and have the opportunity to request an individualized work schedule from the employer.
All companies in Romania, including authorized individuals (PFA), could be required to pay a new fee to the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and industry (CCIR) to be registered in a companies Catalog.
When determining the tax regime applicable to the consideration of the COVID tests borne by the employer for his employees, it is necessary that the employer examine the purpose for which the tests were carried out.
The OUG on the abolition of investment grants (measure 3), which allocates this money to working capital grants (measure 2), was published in the Official Gazette.
Labor law currently allows any document between the employee and the employer to be signed electronically by means of a qualified or advanced signature.
New amendments to the OUG 132/2020 were recently published to protect and support employers and employees. Employers will have greater flexibility and employees will have greater protection.
In Emergency Ordinance 211/04.12.2020, it was decided to extend the period of application of the social protection measures adopted in the context of the spread of coronavirus.
The amendments to Law 448/2006 on the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities enter into force on 25.07.2020.
We remind you that the rights of persons with disabilities (a disabled person also means a grade III disabled person) employed or seeking employment are as follows:
6 months ago we announced the appearance of some positive amendments to the Company Law n. 31/1990, such as:
cancelation of the provisions whereby a natural or legal person may be a sole member of a single limited liability company
the abolition of the provisions providing that different companies may operate in the same establishment only if the building, through its structure and its useful surface, allows more companies to operate in different premises or in separate shared spaces
Abolishment of the obligation to obtain an aproval from the Owners’ Association of the building to change the destination of the real estate, in the case of companies whose registered office is to be registered in an apartment building, for companies with registered office of which no activity is exercised.
As of the 3rd of April 2020, the procedures for submitting the documents required to obtain the technical unemployment indemnity have changed. According to the new methodology, all those who submit applications for April (therefore all applications that will be submitted after 1st of May) must send them via the online platform made available by the Romanian Government, namely
In addition, it is important to know that documents sent by e-mail to AJOFM will no longer be accepted.
The transmission of documents through the above-mentioned platform will ensure faster processing, better record keeping and easier access to documents to be filled in.
In addition, applications will be written intelligently to help employers calculate the compensation to be claimed and therefore errors in identifying the company will be limited.
The Romanian Government adopted, through the Emergency Ordinance, a series of measures in the field of social protection in the context of the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of SAR-CoV-2 coronavirus.
Thus, Amendments and additions have been made to Act 19/2020 on the granting of leave to parents for child supervision in the event of temporary closure of educational establishments, in the sense that:
the notion of “parent” for the purposes of the law has been clarified;
The Romanian government today came up with a package of measures to mitigate the negative effects of the crisis caused by the new coronavirus.
According to the announcement made by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, those measures were taken that were considered absolutely necessary to support the employees and employers affected by the epidemic Coronavirus, such as: Government support for technical unemployment costs for employees, on the basis of specific conditions, increase in the budget allocated for the settlement of sick leave, and credit for SMEs, for investment and securing working capital.
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