Minimum wage changes from January 1, 2025
December 11, 2024Florina Babau
The guaranteed gross minimum basic wage in the country increases from the current 3,700 lei to 4,050 lei gross monthly.
READ MOREHave you ever been in the country of it is impossible?
If you have never been, let me tell you something from my last journey’s diary in the country of it is impossible. My story starts with my entry into this country.
After a long but pleasant journey I have arrived to the country’s borders. I passed the check point for identity cards and asked a frontier policeman: From where can I buy a travel license stamp? The policeman threw my passport in hurry and replied: From here it is impossible! Then he made me a sign to move on.
Read articleHave you ever been in the country of it is impossible?
If you have never been, let me tell you something from my last journey’s diary in the country of it is impossible. My story starts with my entry into this country.
After a long but pleasant journey I have arrived to the country’s borders. I passed the check point for identity cards and asked a frontier policeman: From where can I buy a travel license stamp? The policeman threw my passport in hurry and replied: From here it is impossible! Then he made me a sign to move on.
Have you ever been in the country of it is impossible?
If you have never been, let me tell you something from my last journey’s diary in the country of it is impossible. My story starts with my entry into this country.
After a long but pleasant journey I have arrived to the country’s borders. I passed the check point for identity cards and asked a frontier policeman: From where can I buy a travel license stamp? The policeman threw my passport in hurry and replied: From here it is impossible! Then he made me a sign to move on.
After few hundred yards I saw a gas station. I pulled over with the purpose to clean up my car’s windscreen and use the toilets. After finishing the cleaning process of my car I hurried to the toilets. I wanted to open the door but could not. I read a note stuck to the door: The toilets key is at the pay office. More worried I ran to the cashier and asked: Could I please use your toilets? The cashier smiled at me: Today it is impossible, has been broken for 3 days. I felt my temples dripping with sweat. Well but you as employees don’t you find it difficult to work for so many days without toilets? The cashier raised his eyes from his PC and gave me a bone dry answer: We have service toilets. I was astounded for few minutes.
Lost in thought but also worried I went to my car and left. After 20 kilometers I caught sight of a new gas station, this time much bigger and with a near-by restaurant. My hopes made for this place. I went in the restaurant and identified the toilets. There was no note on the door. Good sign! My hopes were acknowledged. I went back to the restaurant and sat to one table waiting patiently for the waiter. After a while I was asked what would like to serve and when I asked for a kind of meal in the menu received the following answer: You know, the menus are a bit older and it is impossible to bring what you have asked for. Became more and more concerned… Haven’t heard of this country as having a most welcoming people? I just ordered a coffee and left the place in big hurry.
This is how a day in the country of it is impossible looks like. I do not know how well do you know or how familiar this story is for you. I daily struggle with it is impossible starting up with the requests addressed to public institutions’ representatives and ending with the collaboration with many of the employees from private companies.
In short, this is why I believe most important investment that private companies, but also leaders of public institutions should think about, is the investment in human resources education. No matter how much we invest in the real-estate, technological and logistical area of our company, without human resources’ education and removing of it is impossible from our language we will never be able to have high-performance in public and private businesses.