2025 brings big changes for businesses: everything you need to know
February 26, 2025Renata Ban
Here’s what’s wearing in the immediate tax season. Don’t
forget to declare your car by December 31!
The Administration of Timpuri Noi society that owns a 5 hectares plot of land in the center of Bucharest asked last week the approval of the shareholders to obtain finances either by selling plots, either by accessing of loans from institutiuons or from natural persons.
Bucharest’s provider of engines, turbines, equipments and spare parts is about to be relocated, thus he put up for sale the land on which there was the plant’s platform at the price of 100 million euros, without VAT. The plant’s managing board received last year many offers for the land situated in Unirii area after the shareholders authorized him to capitalize, by negociating, the Company’s building. But the offers were rejected because it did not carry out all the criteria.
Although the number of the transactions contracted on the real estate market diminished drastically in the second half of the year, the representative of Timpuri Noi declares that the demand for his lands did not decreased.
Read articleThe Administration of Timpuri Noi society that owns a 5 hectares plot of land in the center of Bucharest asked last week the approval of the shareholders to obtain finances either by selling plots, either by accessing of loans from institutiuons or from natural persons.
Bucharest’s provider of engines, turbines, equipments and spare parts is about to be relocated, thus he put up for sale the land on which there was the plant’s platform at the price of 100 million euros, without VAT. The plant’s managing board received last year many offers for the land situated in Unirii area after the shareholders authorized him to capitalize, by negociating, the Company’s building. But the offers were rejected because it did not carry out all the criteria.
Although the number of the transactions contracted on the real estate market diminished drastically in the second half of the year, the representative of Timpuri Noi declares that the demand for his lands did not decreased.
The Administration of Timpuri Noi society that owns a 5 hectares plot of land in the center of Bucharest asked last week the approval of the shareholders to obtain finances either by selling plots, either by accessing of loans from institutiuons or from natural persons.
Bucharest’s provider of engines, turbines, equipments and spare parts is about to be relocated, thus he put up for sale the land on which there was the plant’s platform at the price of 100 million euros, without VAT. The plant’s managing board received last year many offers for the land situated in Unirii area after the shareholders authorized him to capitalize, by negociating, the Company’s building. But the offers were rejected because it did not carry out all the criteria.
Although the number of the transactions contracted on the real estate market diminished drastically in the second half of the year, the representative of Timpuri Noi declares that the demand for his lands did not decreased.