deRainfall February 21, 2008

Any personal benefit is subject of taxation!

The Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Equity issued the Order 92/8.02.2008, who is modifying the application norms of the Law 19/2000. The change mainly consists in the redefining of the “gross income” that is subject of taxation, respectively by the inclusion of new categories of employee benefits as subjects of taxation.

Some of the incomes considered subject of taxation are: the amounts paid to the employees by retirement, leave and holidays bonuses, the amounts paid as result of the closing of labor relationship, social benefits offered as a result of a social or family event, presents offered in money to the employees on the benefit of minor children, presents offered to employees with various occasions, including the 8th of March, the amounts paid as result of civil conventions.

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Any personal benefit is subject of taxation!

February 21, 2008Rainfall

The Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Equity issued the Order 92/8.02.2008, who is modifying the application norms of the Law 19/2000. The change mainly consists in the redefining of the “gross income” that is subject of taxation, respectively by the inclusion of new categories of employee benefits as subjects of taxation.

Some of the incomes considered subject of taxation are: the amounts paid to the employees by retirement, leave and holidays bonuses, the amounts paid as result of the closing of labor relationship, social benefits offered as a result of a social or family event, presents offered in money to the employees on the benefit of minor children, presents offered to employees with various occasions, including the 8th of March, the amounts paid as result of civil conventions.


What should we know about collective labour agreements?

February 21, 2008Adela Cristea

Analysis published in Consulting Review magazine

The collective labour contract represents an agreement concluded in a written form on one hand between the employer and on the other by the employees, through their assigned representatives or where there is the case, by unions. In this agreement there are established clauses concerning working conditions, remuneration, as well as other rights and obligations resulted from labour relations. All companies that have at least 21 employees are obliged by Labour Code (Law 53/2003, republished) to conclude collective labour agreements.


Lia Bejenaru became partner of Ascent Business Consulting

February 20, 2008Adela Cristea

Lia Bejenaru, became partner of Ascent Business Consulting, the company held by Ascent Group in the Republic of Moldova.

Lia is currently the manager of Ascent Group’s office in Chisinau, and her addition into the ownership structure of the group represents the recognition of the activity she had from the launching of the group operations in the Republic of Moldova.

Lia’s education includes the Faculty of Finances, Money and Banking within the Academy of Economic Studies in Moldova, the European Institute of Political Studies within the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France and the School for Political Leaders within the Association for Participative Democracy.


In Bulgaria, the average Household Income totals 431 Euro and the average individual income totals 173 Euro

February 17, 2008Adela Cristea

Bulgarian average household income rose by a nominal 23.9% in December year-upon-year, as by the information published by the country’s National Statistics Institute (NSI).

The average household income stood at BGN 844.75 (431.78 Euro) in December, At the same time, expenditures sped up to an average BGN 769.26 (393.19 Euro).

Foodstuffs remain the highest expenditure of Bulgarian households, accounting for 39.1% of all spending. The second-largest expenditure are utility fees, which amount to 11.8% of all spending.

Individual income in Bulgaria stood at BGN 338.53 (173.03 Euro) in December 2007.


I want to be a manager!

February 15, 2008Rainfall

First, I would like to note a short fragment from a discussion carried on this theme. The person I have spoken with had recently graduated from a college of management and marketing and had never worked before. What do you consider to be a suitable job for you?Well, I want to be a manager. Why do you want to be a manager? Well, because I will have a huge wage, a car, phone, laptop, and I will be important and people will respect me. And what do you think are the qualities a manager should have?Well, to be tough with its employees, knowing how to control them, otherwise nobody will listen to, to tell them what to do and if they don’t listen to fire them. Yes, this is a part of a real conversation. Honestly, many times I get confused not knowing how to react in such cases: either to laugh out loud or to cry out loud.


Ascent Group reports very good results for 2007

February 5, 2008Adela Cristea

2007 represented a fast grow year for Ascent Group, fact that is also confirmed by the financial results. At the end of the year, Ascent Group reports a 108% grow of the turnover compared to 2006, overcoming the initial forecast of the management of the group. At the beginning of the year, the management of Ascent Group estimated a turnover grow by 45% for 2007.

Another important grow was registered in 2007 in terms of number of clients. The portfolio grew by 34% compared to 2006.

2007 has also marked the conclusion by Ascent Group of some strategic partnership. Based on these partnerships the consulting group will represent in Romania the companies OCRA, Jordan Sheppard and Identity Compass.


The representatives of Ascent Group presented Romania and the Republic of Moldova at a business conference in Sicily

February 4, 2008Adela Cristea

Adela Cristea, managing partner of Ascent Group and Lia Bejenaru, manager of Ascent Group’s office in Chisinau participated a few days ago to a conference organized by Confindustria Catania.

The topic of the conference was: “Business Opportunities: Romania and the Republic of Moldova” being organized by Confidustria Catania in cooperation with Assoconsult Sicilia, Gruppo Strazzeri, Casa Italia Consulenza and Ascent Group.

The conference was attended by Sicilian business people interested by business opportunities in the 2 countries. Adela Cristea and Lia Bejenaru presented the legal and fiscal frame of Romania and Moldova as well as concrete business opportunities from different fields of activity.


Elena Ionescu is the manager of Jordan Sheppard Romania

January 31, 2008Adela Cristea

Elena Ionescu was recently appointed as manager of Jordan Sheppard Romania. Jordan Sheppard Romania was established in November 2007 as a result of an association between the prestigious multinational company Jordan Sheppard Executive Search and the consulting group Ascent. The company offers high quality services in executive search and head-hunting to the companies interested in the improvement of the recruitment process for top and middle management positions.


How much will cost us the salary in 2008?

January 29, 2008Adela Cristea

2008 brought us many changes regarding both the level of some taxes and social contributions, and also the level of the minimum salary, on national economy level and also relate to some professional categories…

Considering these changes, the minimum salary on economy level in Romania has increased starting with January 2008 to 500 Lei, compared with 390 Lei in 2007. Based on the legislation changes brought by the Government Decision no. 1,507 issued on 12th of December 2007, the minimum gross salary on economy level will also increase again with July 1st 2008 to 540 Lei, in case that the main indicators on macroeconomic level, based on whom the budget is built, will be maintained (increase of the GDP, maintaining of the inflations within the estimated values, maintenance of the economic grow and work productivity).


The psychological Agreement with Romania

January 27, 2008Rainfall

Exactly how attractive is Romania for the new comers of various industries we can anticipate by measuring the volume of FDI, before and after joining EU, as well as by considering the rhythm and dynamics of business on its territory during the last years.

And yet… how attractive is Romania for a new comer on the market? We could probably say that, apart from the legislation and political frame, taxation, reforms, level of corruption and other conditions considered by investors, what actually summarizes and concludes the relationship with the investor is the honoring of a psychological agreement…


The country of “it is impossible”

January 23, 2008Cosmin Galu

Have you ever been in the country of it is impossible?

If you have never been, let me tell you something from my last journey’s diary in the country of it is impossible. My story starts with my entry into this country.

After a long but pleasant journey I have arrived to the country’s borders. I passed the check point for identity cards and asked a frontier policeman: From where can I buy a travel license stamp? The policeman threw my passport in hurry and replied: From here it is impossible! Then he made me a sign to move on.


New fiscal stipulations for 2008

January 17, 2008Rainfall

2008 brought new changes regarding the taxes and duties. The latest news in the Fiscal Code refers to VAT, the income tax and excises.

VAT: The reversed taxation procedure for real estate transactions between legal entities persons, who pay VAT, was eliminated.

At the same time, the VAT exemption was eliminated for the following services: giving information and making reports for the insured persons, marketing and administrative services that derive from the insuring-reinsuring services, respectively the organization and the management of the IT system of the insurance companies.

Income tax: The limit regarding the non-taxable income from the pensions will increase, from 900 to 1000 lei.


Merchandise transportation in 2008. Directions and challenges

January 17, 2008Cosmin Galu

Romania’s joining to the EU in 2007 led to new challenges for the road transportation operators. The authorizations problem doesn’t exist any more, but problems related to the management of the transportation companies appeared. These companies must find rapidly solutions for keeping the labor force and for a more efficient activity, especially by developing the provided services.

The fact that, on the Romanian market already appeared important transportation companies from the neighboring countries, who are transferring trucks in Romania in order to use the Romanian labor force paid at national standards, has created numerous dysfunctions on the labor market in this domain.

However, the lack of any minimum conditions for registering in the Operator’s Transportation Registry, determined the increase of the small operators’ number, with one-two trucks.


Why using coaching?

January 16, 2008Rainfall

The idea of coaching has started to appear, even implementing in daily agitated companies’ lives, no matter if big, medium or small. There are different articles, TV shows, books debating even creating a media event on this theme. Indeed, it has a long time since is practiced and has good results “over the borders”. But human reticence makes us wonder: why coaching?

In actual fact this so-called reticence hides its dose of pragmatism: why choosing to invest enormous amounts of money in our employees? They really deserve this financial effort?


IT specialists don’t need to pay the health insurance any longer

January 16, 2008Rainfall

According to a recent study of the National Health Insurance Institution, IT experts stop paying the contribution to the health insurance, the contribution being paid by the employer. However, the employees will have free medical services, on the basis of a certificate from the employer.

This stipulation is part of a series of fiscal facilities for developing the IT industry.

According to the same stipulation the certificate that proves the quality of insured person for all the employees, will be released for the future by the National Health Insurance and not by the employer, as it happens now.


Ascent Group cooperates with Tonica Magazine

January 16, 2008Adela Cristea

Ascent Group started recently a cooperation with the prestigious magazine Tonica ( Starting with the next editions of the magazine the HR department consultants of Ascent Group will publish opinions on topics related to career, presentation and communication skills, time management, work relationship management, employee motivation and many others.

The cooperation with Tonica magazine is a confirmation of the quality of Ascent Group consultant’s opinions and we hope that our articles will be appreciated by the magazine’s readers.


The taxes and contributions to the consolidated general budget will be paid from now on into a unique account

January 14, 2008Rainfall

The National Agency of Fiscal Administration has decided that, starting with January the 1st 2008, taxes, contributions and other amounts owed by the tax payers to the general budget, are to be paid into a unique account.

The tax payers will use two payment orders for the State’s treasury, one for the obligations due to the state’s budget and the second, for the other obligations.

The amounts owed to the State’s budget will be paid into the unique account, and the fiscal debts to the social insurance budgets and to the special funds, into the unique account 55.02.

Every payment, for every tax, contribution and on other amounts owed to the general budget will be made distinctly.


BNR’s interest increase at 8% may also occur in February

January 11, 2008Rainfall

National Bank of Romania (BNR) recently took the decision of increasing the interest with 0.5% , thus reaching up to 8%. According to specialists, this decision will have reduced effects on short term, including on the currency. But a new 0.25% increase is expected in February.

The interest increase will not influence the currency appreciation, but it can influence its depreciation and shows that BNR has decided to take measures to reach its inflation target.


What do we expect from 2008?

December 14, 2007Adela Cristea

One more year just passed by, our first year as citizens of the European Union, and as in any moment of evaluation we look back and try to understand what brought us the year that just passed, but specially we look into the future and try to understand what changes the next year will bring us.

2007 was our first European year, a year with many changes but also with many confusions. Many reforms were started, but unfortunately many others were slowed down.


The Labor Market in 2008

December 13, 2007Rainfall

The changes that the companies policies related to salaries will undergo in 2008, not only will attract and retain the employees, but they will also increase their loyalty.

This all happens due to continuous expansion of the companies, the increased deficit of personnel, and the increased personnel fluctuation (in 2007, the voluntary personnel fluctuation increased to 21% compared to 15.9% in 2006).

It is estimated that, in case the level of inflation will continue to increase in 2008, the salaries will also rise up to 15%.

In 2008, the average values of salaries increases for top management positions will be between 10% and 15%, for executive positions up to 11%, while the salaries for unqualified positions will rise up to 25%, because of the increase of the minimum salary.

Besides these increases, employers become more and more inventive in granting benefices in order to keep their employees’ loyalty:


Trans-European railways corridors IV and IX – the main rehabilitation projects of the Romanian railways

December 13, 2007Rainfall

After joining the European Union the Romanian State is forced to invest in the development of the railways infrastructure, by creating high speed railways that would unite Greece to the rest of the Europe.

The two European railways corridors that cross Romania are corridor IV, which makes the connection between Germany and Greece, and corridor IX, between Finland and Greece, their total length being almost 10.000 km.

The rehabilitation of the 2.000 km of railway in Romania, which will be part of the European railway system, will require over 10 billion Euro of investment, the goal being to reach a speed of maximum 140km/h in the case of trains for passengers and to respect the UE safety standards.


500 lei – minimum salary in 2008

December 13, 2007Rainfall

After the meeting between the Trade Unions, Employers Unions and the representatives of the Government that took place on Monday, to which the Minister of Labor and Family Paul Pacuraru, and the Minister of Economy and Finances, Mr. Varujan Vosganian took part, it was decided that starting with January 2008 Romania will have a unique minimum salary.

Therefore, starting with January the 1st 2008, according to the Government’s decision, the value of the minimum salary will be 500 lei. In case that the main indicators on which the State’s budget is built, respectively the Gross National Product, the inflation, and the level of the labor’s productivity are fulfilled, starting with July 2008 the minimum salary, at a national level, will be 540 lei.

Trade Unions and Employers Unions agreed to continue the negotiations regarding the additional act to the national collective labor agreement, for establishing the salary levels.


Moldova: Fiscal Innovations in 2008

December 13, 2007Lia Bejenaru

2008 promises to be a year full of surprises and innovations in the fiscal domain, at least this is what the Ministries of Economy and Finance that thought of a true economic revolution, promise us. Everything started since 2007, when the Government canceled all the company’s fiscal debts until January the 1st 2007, thus beginning a new stage, which, they hope it will be more productive. This Reform is called “Fiscal Amnesty”, and its main purpose is to help and promote the companies that cannot function normally because of the debts to the State’s budget. The purpose is to develop the local business environment, but also to increase the main economic indicators, thus creating the premises for attracting local and foreign investments.


Ascent Group became partner of Consulting Review Magazine

December 10, 2007Adela Cristea

Ascent Group became partner of Consulting Review magazine, publication dedicated to answer the needs of information, documentation and professional improvement in business felt by all the investors and managers in Romanian.

Starting with December, Ascent Group consultants will answer to the questions addressed by the readers of the magazine; respectively they will offer solutions on accounting, tax, legal and labor issues.

The selection of Ascent Group as partner of the Consulting Review magazine is an additional proves for the quality of the service our group tries to provide for its clients.